The Black Diamond is a solid router. Its speed and reliability alone chalk it up to awesome in my book. Even more is the dual-band connectivity, which basically amounts to having two routers in one. If you put an excess of clients or traffic through your router, this will definitely help cut latency and increase throughput.
Furthermore, the admin interface is much better than any other router I've used. With easy client management and a refreshing new UI, it makes complex tasks easier and accessible by mainstream users.
My only complaint with the Black Diamond is price. At about $130 online, this is truly an enthusiast device. If you're just looking for a standard router for your house or apartment, this product is not for you. The Black Diamond is geared towards heavy users, with high range needs, lots of clients connected, and high traffic.
Both the Black Diamond and the USB-N13 earn the Gold Seal of Approval for their individual quality and performance; and they're even better as a team.